MUFG Bank today announced that it has decided to implement a service based on robotics and AI technology developed by US start-up company Ripcord, Inc. (Ripcord) for the purpose of digitizing paper documents.
Ripcord’s Canopy provides enterprise customers the ability to manage, search, and seamlessly integrate their digitized content with existing business processes.
This Service will aim to improve customers’ convenience and business process efficiency by performing highspeed and high-accuracy digitization of paper documents, establishing location-free operational environments not restricted by place.
“we will digitize all stored hanko forms starting from 2021 by utilizing the Service, which combines robotics, software and AI technology to automate most processes, such as sorting by sheet size and removing staples, and execute them at high speed and with minimal labor” said MUFG Bank.
This will allow MUFG Bank employees to check digitized images of all hanko forms and related documents from their own work terminals, providing instant access to customer 2 information, both contributing to enhanced convenience for customers by shortening waiting times at branches and achieving greater operational efficiency.
“We will continue to accelerate digital transformation initiatives, beginning with expanding the scope of paper documents for digitization.”