Nuvei Corporation, the Canadian fintech company, announces that it has partnered with Stuvia, a leading marketplace enabling consumers to buy and sell educational material, to optimize its payment capabilities and expand its target consumer base internationally.
Stuvia is harnessing Nuvei’s global reach, agile technology, and expertise via local acquiring capabilities in 47 markets to win new customers, accelerate revenue growth, and reduce costs through payments. Stuvia is also capitalizing on Nuvei’s enhanced risk management engine to maximize its card payment acceptance rates, while also identifying fraudulent transactions before they can occur.
In addition to branded credit card and debit card payments, Stuvia is offering its customers in each regional market all local relevant payment acceptance options from Nuvei’s suite of 634 alternative payment methods (APMs), including iDEAL, Giropay, Sofort, and Bancontact, through a single integration.
Jaap van Nes, co-founder of Stuvia, commented on the announcement: “We are based in the Netherlands but have rapidly grown our custoszaw665mer base internationally, so we needed a payments partner that could support our global ambitions. We determined that Nuvei was uniquely equipped to take our business to the next level. Nuvei’s technology and deep knowledge of local markets will enable us to reach more customers and connect them to sellers in our marketplace.”
Philip Fayer, Nuvei Chair and CEO added: “We’re proud to be enabling Stuvia to connect to its new and existing customers, wherever they are in the world. Nuvei has a rich history of supporting marketplaces to accelerate revenue growth, as well as facilitating the gig and creator economies, which are underpinned by payments.”